Money Bag - Locking Zipper Bags 6DPUC129 The only difference in this style bag over our other high-security locking bags is the zipper chain. These line of money bags - locking zipper bags have a nylon coil zipper chain instead of metal (brass & nickel). The cost of metal zipper chain continues to increase raising production cost. That makes these bags a wise choice where budget and cost may be a concern. DO NOT be fooled to think that because of the price, the quality of this bag is less. WRONG!!! These bags are made the same with the exception of the zipper chain being a different composite. The coil chain costs us less and we pass that savings on to you. Nylon coil zippers are very durable and actually slide smoother than most metal chain. This style locking bag has a 6 disc tumbler system that pops up. The canvas bag shown above measures 12" wide by 9" high. This bag has a pop-up swivel plunger for easy maneuverability. The key can be removed while the lock is in open position. This would allow you to give the bag to an individual with the bag totally open, then this person could enter contents, close and lock the bag without ever having the key. This would be an excellent choice for use in a system where keys are not always issued with the bags. Top of lock (pop-up) swings 360 degrees when in open position and then you press down hood after you zipper the bag closed to lock bag. As stated above, this bag can be locked without having the key! Locks are secured with solid steel pins for greater protection and tamper resistant security. The corners are curved to prevent the bag from hanging up in night deposit chutes. Locks may be keyed alike, random keyed or random keyed to a master key. IN CHOOSING ANY BAGS ADDRESS THESE TWO CONCERNS 1st -
Is it going to accommodate what you intend to place inside?? - UP DOWN
- LEFT TO RIGHT - THICKNESS For EXTREMELY HELPFUL simple-useful information about locking bags and locks click> HERE. Well worth the five minutes of reading!!!!! The stock bags come in different sizes such as: 10"w x 7"h - 10"w x 8"h - 12"w x 8"h - 12"w x 9"h - 14"w x 8"h - 15"w x 11"h - 16"w x 12"h - 18"w x 14"h - 19"w x 15"h - 20"w x 16"h CUSTOM SIZES CAN BE MADE AS WELL FABRICS AVAILABLE: CANVAS (cotton) - EXPANDED VINYL - LAMINATED NYLON - CORDURA CANVAS COLORS:
LAMINATED NYLON COLORS: Keys/Locks: RK/Random Key, RKM/Random Key/Master, KA/Keyed Alike These bags can be screen printed with a low one time setup fee or embroidered with your information/logo on the front of the bag. Options like larger framed windows can be added as well. Please contact us with any special needs or custom request. We stock this bag in various
colors - 12"w
x 9"h laminated nylon. Other colors must be a minimum of 8 bags.
You can mix fabric colors in groups of 4 each color one size bag, or of
course all bags can be the same color.....
*6DPUC129 - 12"w x 9"h - MOST POPULAR
6DPUC129 - 1
6 BAGS @$19.60 each KA/Keyed
Alike - add $0.50 extra
per bag
- RKM/Random Key Master add $1.35
extra per bag Pricing below is for other popular size bags with coil/nylon zipper made from laminated nylon... QUANTITY SIZE 1-6 7-12 13-18 19-36 37-75 76-100 101-1507"h x 10"w 19.25 18.75 17.99 17.49 17.25 15.99 15.80 8"h x 10"w 19.10 18.95 18.40 17.95 17.25 16.25 15.99 8"h x 12"w 19.50 19.25 18.50 18.25 17.75 16.75 16.35 8"h x 14"w 20.75 20.25 20.00 19.50 18.75 18.99 17.25 11"h x 15"w 22.99 21.75 20.75 20.25 19.75 19.25 18.50 12"h x 16"w 23.49 22.99 22.75 22.25 21.25 20.75 19.99 < Recommended size for 8-1/2"x11" folders & paper!!! 14"h x 18"w 25.25 24.75 24.49 23.75 22.75 21.75 20.99 < Recommended size for legal size folders & paper!!! 15"h x 19"w 25.75 25.25 24.75 24.49   23.99 23.25 22.49 16"h x 20"w 32.25 30.50 29.35 28.35 27.40 26.75 25.75 We can and DO make bags larger if needed - just ask!!! Above bags made from expanded
deduct $0.50 per bag from ^pricing above^ PLEASE INQUIRE ABOUT PRICING ON OTHER SIZES