Company Philosophy
There is an old saying, which we are not
the authors of but it goes like this. “If you don’t take care of the customer,
someone else will”. We do pride ourselves in the personal and
human part of interacting and taking care of our potential, present and
past customers. We do not want or try to be everything to everybody.
We are a specialty operation building custom products. Money and
the opportunity to make some do not take precedent over all. We would
rather say no to a customer than try to accommodate one by undertaking
a job, which we may not be equipped just for the sake of a sale.
If there is something we cannot do we are
not too proud to relay that to a prospective customer either. We
would rather be honest and direct and place that very high in our values.
It serves no purpose to make promises and representations to a present
or potential customer that cannot be met. We would rather say no
and give you the respect that you deserve if we are unable to help you.
We try to make our jobs and our employees harmonious and upbeat rather
than chaotic and stressful. Life is stressful enough and we do not
want to add to yours. We want to help you and will tell you whether
we can or cannot.
Although we have a vast telecommunication
network in place and very powerful computers for instant access to our
customers past data to assist them, we DELIBERATELY opt not to have a multi-layered
automated touch-tone answering system in place. When you call us
you will either get a REAL LIVE PERSON on the phone or just the old fashion
“leave your message at the tone” type machine if we are unable to answer
your incoming call. A real live person WILL call you back!!!
We know just how frustrating it can be to call a company and get the mindless
menus and sub-menus of pressing buttons and waiting fifteen minutes just
to get a live person on the telephone to answer your question. We
still do and will ALWAYS believe in human interaction. We are not
in the robot business. We are a company of human beings looking to
serve human beings.
We know what we do and we do it well.
While we may take on more challenging and difficult tasks that many companies
would shun away from, none of us here are “faster than a speeding bullet,
more powerful than a locomotive or able to leap tall buildings in a single
bound”. We just build quality bank/money bags and pouches every day
for thousands of satisfied customers.
I am aware that
there is volumes of information throughout this website. We could
even be guilty of being too wordy or verbose. We do this NOT to bore
you or to be long-winded in our descriptions of products and options.
The information is there so hopefully it can help YOU make an informed
decision. I believe it is better to have information at hand rather
than leave a person wondering what they are looking at or guessing at things.
If you still have
questions or would like my input or advice, please do not hesitate to pick
up the telephone and call me at 877-265-2247. You can ask for me.
I speak to many customers directly on a daily basis…
Philip J. Papalia
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