Bags for Firearms & Ammunition
We are a manufacturer of all sorts of bags locking and non-locking. Over the years we have made thousands of locking bags for gun owners that just randomly searched and found our company and products. We decided to have a separate dedicated page for firearm owners for your ease of reference.
First and FOREMOST please remember that a locking bag IS NOT a five million dollar safe. People crack even those!!! It is just an added measure of security to keep the honest people honest or act as a deterrent to keep out unauthorized persons from easily gaining access to the inner contents. If someone has the time and the will to gain unauthorized access - THEY WILL! They could cut the bag, pick the lock, drill the lock and so on.
The most popular bag on the planet for general use for money, medication, personal items to firearms/guns/ammunition is the 12"w x 9"h bag - our #6DPUC129. Certainly handguns-revolvers-pistols come in all sizes depending on things like style and caliber.
Whether you're storing ammunition and/or firearms in selecting the correct bag for your weapon ( s ) the number one thing you need to consider is SIZE. You need to understand that even though a bag such as our #6DPUC129 which measures twelve inches in width by nine inches in height, the item needs to go under/clear the lock head. Your gun is NOT going to bend or fold so the longest measurement needs to be considered! A good example and most informative page on our website is "The Basics Of Locking Zipper Bags". << We urge you to visit this page!!!
The next thing after size is the keys and who you do and don't want to have rightful access to the bag!
We would like to stress emphatically that no bag or even gun safe is a substitute for responsible firearm ownership/management and common sense. These bags have ZERO guarantee of limiting or stopping anyone from gaining access to what is inside. It is strictly just another level of security and deterrent for added safety.
We have provided a few pictures below to hopefully serve as a reference point to help get an idea of what style-model gun would fit into a particular bag.

Actual firearms pictured on
bags were provided by:
(Maybe the friendliest gunshop in New Jersey )
Guns & Roses
1521 Route 37 West
Toms River, NJ 08755
Below is pricing for the three most popular size locking bags
10"w x 7"h - #6DPUC107 - $18.75ea
12"w x 9"h - #6DPUC129 - $19.25ea
16"w x 12"h - #6DPUC1612 - $22.99ea
For keyed alike add $0.50 per bag extra
For RKM add $1.35 per bag extra
We also offer a specialty bag which is padded and lined.
It is made from 1000 denier nylon. We stock this bag in:
#6DPUC107PAD - $28.95ea
#6DPUC129PAD - $29.95ea
Bag shown here is our #6DPUC107 - 10"w x 7"h bag. Gun displayed on top of this bag with room to spare is a Glock 43 -9mm.
Two bags below BLACK - 12"w x 9"h and FOREST GREEN - 10"w x 7"h have a Glock 17/Gen3 - 9mm placed over them. The BLACK bag has plenty of extra room for a few boxes of ammo or you could easily fit two guns such a the piece ^above^ and this one if you place them in bag in the 69 position.
BLACK bag below has a Smith & Wesson 686 placed on top of it.
BLACK bag below has a Taurus Judge 410/45 L.C. placed on top of it.
We have included some popular handguns placed on top of these locking/lockable bags. This will hopefully give you a POR- Point Of Reference in bag selection if you have one of these or a similiar class/size firearm. ALL of these bags with the exception of the S&W 686 would fit in the #6DPUC107 - 10"w x 7" h bag. The S&W would fit, but be tight because of handle/butt.
Below is a Colt 1991 Government Model .45 caliber handgun placed over both our #6DPUC107 and #6DPUC129 locking bags.
Below is pricing for the three most popular size locking bags
10"w x 7"h - #6DPUC107 - $18.75ea
12"w x 9"h - #6DPUC129 - $19.25ea
16"w x 12"h - #6DPUC1612 - $22.99ea
For keyed alike add $0.50 per bag extra
For RKM add $1.35 per bag extra
We also offer a specialty bag which is padded and lined.
It is made from 1000 denier nylon. We stock this bag in:
#6DPUC107PAD - $28.95ea
#6DPUC129PAD - $29.95ea